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This section provides an overview of Web links relevant to aggregate exposure assessment from across the world:

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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   WHO IPCS Exposure assessment
The WHO International Programme on Chemical Safety has been working on harmonization of risk assessment in the context of which a number of issues related to exposure assessment have been dealt with
2   Link   Aggregate and Cumulative Risk in US EPA
Historically, risk assessments have often focused on exposure to one pollutant via one exposure pathway (e.g., inhalation). In reality, people are exposure to a mixture of pollutants through multiple pathways (inhalation, ingestion, dermal adsorption). The goal of this research program of the US EPA Human Exposure and Atmospheric Science Division (HEASD) is to improve our understanding of aggregate exposures (exposure to a single pollutant via multiple pathways) and cumulative exposures (aggregate exposure from multiple pollutants). To accomplish this goal, HEASD is developing and applying cumulative exposure and dose models and developing approaches to interpret biomarkers of exposure. In addition, HEASD will apply these tools and develop additional methods and modeling tools to characterize cumulative risks from environmental contaminants in communities.
3   Link   ENHIS
The European Environment and Health Information System (ENHIS) project, an international effort co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by WHO/Europe, was carried out in two phases. As a follow-up of the first ENHIS project, ENHIS-2 ran from 2005 to 2007 and started the operation of a comprehensive information and knowledge system to help identify, prioritize and address wide-spread environmental health problems in countries and to enable monitoring the effects of actions taken. The project involved a wide range of countries, promoting the practical application of the methods developed in most European Union countries, and provided practical training to public and environmental health personnel in monitoring the relevant policies and actions. The methodologies and reports developed are being widely disseminated.
Specifically, the information system was designed to enable:
(a) monitoring the environment and health situation and trends and evaluation of the effectiveness of policies in the countries of the pan-European region;
(b) comparisons across countries on the basis of targets set in European-wide action programmes;
(c) regular reporting on environment and health to support decision makers and to provide information to professionals and the general public;
(d) exchange of information, data and knowledge as well as good practice examples in the field of public health and the environment.
4   Link   RIVM work on Product Safety
Consumer exposure arises from a large diversity of products. These products may contain chemical compounds. Exposure depends on method and place of application. To mathematically predict human exposure to consumer products RIVM has developed the software model ConsExpo. This program is designed for the use by expert exposure assessors only. To enhance transparency and standardization, for a number of product categories, default parameter values have been compiled in so-called fact sheets.
5   Link   HEIMTSA
HEIMTSA (Health and Environment Integrated Methodology and Toolbox for Scenario Assessment) brings together an international team of scientists in the areas of epidemiology, environmental science and biosciences, to collaborate on developing and applying new, integrated approaches to the assessment of environmental health risks and consequences, in support of European policy in transport, energy, agriculture, industry, household and waste treatment and disposal.
6   Link   NO MIRACLE
NoMiracle (Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in Europe) develops methods that will allow scientists to answer the questions asked about environmental health. In testing the methods, NoMiracle already will provide some important answers.
NoMiracle will help increase knowledge on the transfer of pollutants between different environmental compartments, and on the impact of cumulative stressors, including chemical mixtures. This will facilitate human and ecosystem health monitoring by providing the link with information concerning the condition of air, water, soil and the built environment. By developing and using improved assessment tools and novel models, the project will quantify and aim at reducing uncertainty in current risk assessment and screening methodologies, for example by improving the scientific basis for setting safety factors. The new methods will take into account geographical, ecological, social and cultural differences across Europe.
7   Link   HENVINET
The HENVINET is a powerful new networking portal designed specifically for the global Environment and Health community. The portal is a product of the EU funded HENVINET project. With a range of innovative tools for locating and accessing expertise, sharing knowledge, views and networking with peers, HENVINET empowers a multi-stakeholder approach to addressing the most pressing Environment and Health issues at hand.
8   Link   INTARESE
INTARESE brings together a team of internationally lead scientists in the areas of epidemiology, environmental science and biosciences to collaborate on developing and applying new, integrated approaches to the assessment of environmental health risks and consequences, in support of European policy on environmental health.
This project is designed to support implementation of the European Environment and Health Action Plan, by providing the methods and tools that are essential to enable integrated assessment of environment and health risks. Drawing upon the large range of studies carried out in Europe over recent years (many led by the project partners) and the advances made in specific areas of toxicology and epidemiology (especially air pollution), and in close collaboration with users, it will develop a methodological framework and a set of tools and indicators for integrated assessment that can be applied across different environmental stressors (including pollutants and physical hazards), exposure pathways (air, water, soil, food) and policy areas. It will review, bring together and enhance the monitoring systems needed to support such analyses, including routine environmental monitoring (ground-based and Earth observation), biomonitoring and health surveillance. The framework, tools and data will be tested and demonstrated through integrated assessments of exposures and health risks in a number of specific policy areas, including transport, housing, agriculture, water, wastes, household chemicals and climate.
9   Link   2-FUN
2-FUN aims to provide decision-makers with state of the art tools to analyse the current and future trends in environmental conditions and pressures that may lead to health problems. It will support the evaluation and ranking of management options through a range of functionalities able to generate outputs of high concern for health risk assessment: building of long-term environmental and socio-economic scenarios, exposure and effects assessment, provision of uncertainty margins, and identification of sensitive pathways and risks.
Specific scientific actions are taking place to develop methodologies, databases, models, and software on the following topics:
* Building future realistic socio-economic, environmental and health scenarios;
* Integration of children’s issues in health risk assessments;
* Development of uncertainty models for improved health management;
* Demonstrations of a full-chain approach for health risk assessment.
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