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Aggregate exposure assessment

Beamer, P. I., R. A. Canales, A. Bradman, and J. O. Leckie. 2009. Farmworker children's residential non-dietary exposure estimates from micro-level activity time series. Environment International 35 (8):1202-1209.

Sexton, Ken, Lawrence W. Reiter, and Harold Zenick. 1995. Research to strengthen the scientific basis for health risk assessment: a survey of the context and rationale for mechanistically based methods and models. Toxicology 102 (1-2):3-20.

Shalat, S. L., K. C. Donnelly, N. C. G. Freeman, J. A. Calvin, S. Ramesh, M. Jimenez, K. Black, C. Coutinho, L. L. Needham, D. B. Barr, and J. Ramirez. 2003. Nondietary ingestion of pesticides by children in an agricultural community on the US/Mexico border: Preliminary results. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 13 (1):42-50.

Internal dose modeling – Biomonitoring data interpretation

Clewell, H. J., Y. M. Tan, J. L. Campbell, and M. E. Andersen. 2008. Quantitative Interpretation of Human Biomonitoring Data. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 231 (1):122-133.

Georgopoulos, P. G., A. F. Sasso, S. S. Isukapalli, P. J. Lioy, D. A. Vallero, M. Okino, and L. Reiter. 2009. Reconstructing population exposures to environmental chemicals from biomarkers: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 19 (2):149-171.

McCarley, K. D., and A. L. Bunge. 2001. Pharmacokinetic models of dermal absorption. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 90 (11):1699-1719.

Ramsey, J. C., and M. E. Andersen. 1984. A physiologically based description of the inhalation pharmacokinetics of styrene in rats and humans. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 73 (1):159-175.

Rigas, M. L., M. S. Okino, and J. J. Quackenboss. 2001. Use of a pharmacokinetic model to assess chlorpyrifos exposure and dose in children, based on urinary biomarker measurements. Toxicological Sciences 61 (2):374-381.

Sohn, M. D., T. E. McKone, and J. N. Blancato. 2004. Reconstructing population exposures from dose biomarkers: Inhalation of trichloroethylene (TCE) as a case study. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 14 (3):204-213.

Tan, Y. M., K. Liao, R. Conolly, B. Blount, A. Mason, and H. Clewell. 2006. Use of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to identify exposures consistent with human biomonitoring data for chloroform. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues 69 (18):1727-1756.

Tan, Y. M., K. H. Liao, and H. J. Clewell. 2007. Reverse dosimetry: Interpreting trihalomethanes biomonitoring data using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 17 (7):591-603.

Probabilistic modeling – Uncertainty analysis

Gelman, A., F. Bois, and J. Jiang. 1996. Physiological pharmacokinetic analysis using population modeling and informative prior distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association 91 (436):1400-1412.

Gelman, A., and D. B. Rubin. 1996. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in biostatistics. Statistical methods in medical research 5 (4):339-355.

Nebert, D. W. 2005. Inter-individual susceptibility to environmental toxicants - A current assessment. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 207 (2 SUPPL.):S34-S42.

Zidek, J. V., G. Shaddick, R. White, J. Meloche, and C. Chatfield. 2005. Using a probabilistic model (pCNEM) to estimate personal exposure to air pollution. Environmetrics 16 (5):481-493.

Activity oriented exposure modeling

Alexopoulos, E. C., C. Chatzis, and A. Linos. 2006. An analysis of factors that influence personal exposure to toluene and xylene in residents of Athens, Greece. BMC Public Health 6.

Edwards, R. D., C. Schweizer, V. Llacqua, H. K. Lai, M. Jantunen, L. Bayer-Oglesby, and N. Kunzli. 2006. Time-activity relationships to VOC personal exposure factors. Atmospheric Environment 40 (29):5685-5700.

Jantunen, M., Katsouyanni, K, Knoppel, H., Kuenzli, N., Lebret, E., Maroni, M., Saarela, K., Sram, R., Zmirou, D. 1999. Final report: Air pollution exposure in European cities: the EXPOLIS study. Kuopio: Kuopion Yliopiston Painatuskeskus.

Jurvelin, J. A., R. D. Edwards, M. Vartiainen, P. Pasanen, and M. J. Jantunen. 2003. Residential indoor, outdoor, and workplace concentrations of carbonyl compounds: Relationships with personal exposure concentrations and correlation with sources. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 53 (5):560-573.

Lai, H. K., M. J. Jantunen, N. Kunzli, E. Kulinskaya, R. Colvile, and M. J. Nieuwenhuijsen. 2007. Determinants of indoor benzene in Europe. Atmospheric Environment 41 (39):9128-9135.

Lai, H. K., M. Kendall, H. Ferrier, I. Lindup, S. Alm, O. Hänninen, M. Jantunen, P. Mathys, R. Colvile, M. R. Ashmore, P. Cullinan, and M. J. Nieuwenhuijsen. 2004. Personal exposures and microenvironment concentrations of PM2.5, VOC, NO2 and CO in Oxford, UK. Atmospheric Environment 38 (37):6399-6410.

Schweizer, C., R. D. Edwards, L. Bayer-Oglesby, W. J. Gauderman, V. Ilacqua, M. Juhani Jantunen, H. K. Lai, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, and N. Kunzli. 2007. Indoor time-microenvironment-activity patterns in seven regions of Europe. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 17 (2):170-181.


Multimedia modeling

Mackay, D., A. Di Guardo, S. Paterson, and C. E. Cowan. 1996. Evaluating the environmental fate of a variety of types of chemicals using the EQC model. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15 (9):1627-1637.

McKone, T. 1993. CalTox, a multi-media total-exposure model for hazardous waste sites part II, the dynamic multi-media transport and transformation model. Livermore, CA: Department Toxic Substances Control by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.



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